Getting INTO New Zealand seemes to be much more difficult than getting TO New Zealand. At the passport control, I was taken to a separate room for a short interrogation session. They were concerned I might be looking for a job here. After about 20 mins we were allowed to proceed to the custom office.New Zealand is very strict with the food one introduces into the country (especially fruits and anything what could make a new species of plant or animal apear in their environment). So I waited for about another hour untill they have gone through every little item in our luggage. Finally out of the airport we took a cab to our hostel, then went out in the city for a little sightseeing and a big dinner (much bigger than expected). We went up in the SkyTower for a view over Aucland from about 220 meters. After going to bed at 9 (bravely resisting to the temptation of going to bed earlier than that) a sleep of 10 hours has put our rhythm into the New Zealand ti me zone (GMT + 13), 11 hours ahead of the Finnish and Romanian time. Today we are heading towards lake Taupo, after picking up the rental car.
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